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It appears if you are in fear, cant move your sore neck for example, the police may actually come and help. Good luck! Importance of a police report. The accident investigation report (police report) can help tip the scale in a liars contest to see whos telling the truth, such as a she said-he said fact pattern. Whether police come to the accident scene or not, you must always exchange drivers license and proof of financial responsibility (auto insurance) information.
What to do after a personal injury car accident crash is a common question. Many people will tell you not to move, stabilize your self, call 911, etc. But this article is geared more towards preserving your lawsuit for your expert car accident lawyer, while you are still under the stress and excitement of a serious injury in California cities like Los Angeles, Marina del Rey, Newport Beach and Huntington Beach.
So other than the common questions, what do you do to preserve your personal injury case? Yes, you should call the police and try to get them to come to the accident scene right away. Unless there is a serious injury, police refuse to come to an accident scene unless there's a devastating injury. It appears the highway patrol and city police have better places to go than to help injured car accident victims.
Go to the hospital. Call your insurance company. Never give a recorded statement unless you speak to an attorney first and he advises you to do so. If police did not come, go to the police station and do an over the counter report at the jurisdiction where your personal injury, car crash took place. Treat with a doctor and physical therapist till you make a full recovery. You will need to generate reasonable medical bills.
What to do after a personal injury car accident crash is a common question. We hope we answered some of your questions in the above free article. Thank you.
Try and write down as much about the description of what happened like the time, visibility, traffic, weather conditions, and yes, the damages to the cars, trucks, big rigs, etc. Take pictures with your cell phone camera if possible, or carry a throw away camera in your car at all times. Make sure to save this and give it to your Los Angeles car accident attorneys as soon as you retain them.
What To Do After A Personal Injury Car Accident Crash Is A Common Question